Acupuncture uses very thin needles to stimulate different pressure points along the meridian system. At PhysioDNA, some of our physiotherapists and chiropractors have taken extra training to provide acupuncture as a therapeutic modality. Needling acupuncture points stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, altering pain experiences or influencing the body’s biochemical balance. It is often used in conjunction with physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage as a complementary treatment. There are different types of acupuncture aside from traditional medical acupuncture that a practitioner may provide, including dry-needling and neurofunctional acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a method of stimulating specific body points to promote healing, control pain, and normalize function, often used by physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists within their respective practices. Traditional acupuncture, also known as traditional chinese medicine, is a treatment method based on the principles of imbalances in the body to restore the flow of energy and normal body function. Traditional chinese medicine practitioners may treat similar conditions as medical acupuncture, with a goal of reducing pain and restoring function.
Neurofunctional Acupuncture involves stimulation of acupuncture needles with a mild electrical current. The electrical current is not painful, it feels more like a gentle vibration. Is it thought to stimulate the central nervous system and provide an analgesic (pain relieving) effect. Electroacupuncture has a multi-level effect in the central nervous system to change the body’s perception of stimuli, instead of perceiving something as pain. Gentle electrical stimulation can ‘reset’ the central nervous system to restore normal pain perception and optimize movement. In this type of acupuncture, needles are often left in for a sustained period to allow for its effects.
Dry Needling is a technique that similarly uses thin needles to treat pain and movement issues. Rather than targeting acupuncture points along the meridian system, dry needling targets myofascial trigger points. Trigger points are knotted areas in your muscles that may contribute to increased tension and pain. Dry needling stimulates trigger points to increase blood flow to the area, release tension, and stimulate nerve fibers that will cause your brain to release endorphins. In this type of acupuncture, needles may be moved around the muscle to locate the trigger point and elicit a twitch response (a small spasm of your muscle – indicating it is reacting!).
Is acupuncture covered by insurance? Many of our therapists may use acupuncture as part of their physiotherapy or chiropractic treatment, and therefore it can be covered if you have private insurance.
Is neurofunctional acupuncture or dry needling right for your condition? Schedule a consultation with one of our registered therapists to review if this is the right modality for you.